b. Edmonton, Canada
Lives and works in Berlin​
​2021 BPA// Berlin Program for Artists, Berlin
2016 MFA, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
2015 MFA (guest), Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam
2013 BFA, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver
Solo & two person exhibitions
2024 Gateways, Wschód for Frieze, London
2023 Loose Leaves, Towards, Toronto
The Artist's Eye series (alongside Liz Magor),
The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
Swinging Door, Galleri Mimer - Norbergfestival, Norberg
NADA New York for Towards (with Ted Gahl), New York
2022 Neither Parts, nor Spares, BPA// Raum, Berlin
2021 What Time has Left, Wschód, Warsaw
Liste Art Fair Basel for Wschód (with Anders Dickson), Basel
2020 Memory Loss, Coyote, Stockholm
2018 Can There Be Forgiveness?, Ashley, Berlin
Pledge, SOX, Berlin
F-150, Polansky Gallery, Prague
Benevolent Nerves, 427, Riga
2017 Vinegar Stone & The Language of Flowers, Towards, Toronto
2016 Undilutable Slang Truth, Galleri Mejan, Stockholm
2015 Internal Climates (with Emma LaMorte), Sunset Terrace, Vancouver
Selected group exhibitions
2023 Obsession II, Wschód, Warsaw
Warsaw Spring, Wschód, Warsaw
2022 Set Phosphenes, Studio for Artistic Research, Düsseldorf
2021 BPA// Exhibition, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Casa Uovo, Sangt Hipolyt, Berlin
The Forage, Æ, Berlin
Vigil, Wschód hosting Layr, Warsaw
2020 Condo 2020, Union Pacific hosting Wschód & Et al., London
This is Fair, Wschód for NADA
2019 But Doctor, I am Pagliacci, The Loon, Toronto
Uttran II, Uttran Lake, Ronninge, Stockholm
Schrein der Freundschaft, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam, Potsdam
2018 Don't Come In, Winterfeldtstrasse 31, Berlin
At the End of the Game You Will Be Forgotten, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York
In Commerce Court, Main Street, Toronto
Jugend ist Trunkenheit Ohne Wein, Bikini, Basel
That Man An, Yamet Silmaz, Amsterdam
2017 Gabinete De Moda, A Maior at Gabinete, Lisbon
Let’s see, where were we? In the pit of despair, De Ateliers, Amsterdam
Kamias Triennial, Kamias Special Projects, Kamias City
Cruising, M/S Mariella, Baltic Sea, curated by Daniel Iinatti
Grounds for Magical Thinking, J Hammond Projects, London
Period Pieces (A Sunset Terrace Retrospective), Projet Pangée, Montreal
2016 The Apartment, Peach at W139, Amsterdam
Episode 9: Dinner Room Terravore, Oslo10, Basel
The First Story Ever Told, Krets, Malmö
Navigating. Items for a place without historical centre, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Life ist Life. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Berlin, Garret Grimoire, Berlin
Collect Yourself, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
Stipendiat-Utställningen, Konstakademien, Stockholm
2015 Shipping, Galleria Fafa, Helsinki
Performance Proletarians, Andquestionmark, Stockholm
2014 I’m so drunk again, Bar Babette, Berlin
2013 A Presentation of FAQs, Other Projects, Berlin
Retail Merchandise Unit (with Toubro + LaMorte), Dynamo Arts Association, Vancouver
Projects / curation​
2018 Clerks' Quarters II - Lite REO (with performance by Acting Press), Ashley, Berlin
Clerks' Quarters (with performances by Angharad Williams & Economy of Meaning),
Pogo Bar, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2015 Veins of Gypsum Mortar (co-curated with Viktor Briestensky), Ashley, Berlin
2013 Taped Nightmare, film screening by Iselin Toubro and performance by
Heavy Chains, The Gates, Vancouver
Selected writing / press
2024 Five Emerging Artists to Watch at Frieze London 2024, Frieze
Kristina Foster, Frieze Focus places emerging artists centre stage, Financial Times
2022 Kate Brown, Time is the Ultimate Abrasive, Mousse Magazine 78
Krzysztof KoÅ›ciuczuk, Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw’s Impossible Objects, Frieze 225
Camila McHugh, Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw at Wschód - Critics' Picks, Artforum
Mitch Speed, Ghosts in Plain Sight, BPA// Raum
2021 Mitch Speed, Soft Vertigo, KW Institute for Contemporary Art - BPA// catalogue
2020 Elizabeth Renzetti, The city gives you the time to find inspiration: Why Canadian
artists are flourishing in Berlin, The Globe and Mail
2018 Vivien Trommer, Highlight 8-12 Ashley Berlin, Kuba Paris
Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe, Letters from Berlin, Art Monthly, Issue 421
Monopol Magazine, Special Issue - Berlin Art Week
2017 Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw’s ‘vinegar stone and the language of flowers’ feels the need
to not need anything more at Towards Gallery, AQNB
2016 Katia Miroff, Livets hårda skola, Nordisk Kunstkritikk
Andreas Amble, 3 Picks, Kobenhagen Magasin
2015 Veins of Gypsum Mortar, AQNB
Tiffin Breen, Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw, Blue Moon Magazine, Issue 2
2014 Dustin Brons, A Collaborative Enterprise, Bartelby Review, Issue 15
2009 Bad Day Magazine, Issue 4
Lectures, teaching & mentorships
2023 city limits, Lecture at Städelschule, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste,
Frankfurt am Main
Moderator - Artist talk from Tom Burr, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
2022 Guest-mentor, BPA// Berlin Program for Artists, Berlin
2021 splinters, Lecture for BPA// Talks, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2019 Student mentorship in collaboration with École européenne supérieure de l’image,
Angoulême and Erasmus Plus in Berlin
Residencies & workshops
2021 BPA// Berlin Program for Artists, Berlin
2016 Summer Symposium, Sikås Art Center, Sikås
2015 The Institute of Investigative Living (with Andrea Zittel & James Trainor),
A-Z West, Joshua Tree
Nomadic Duchamp (with Hinrich Sachs & Lisi Raskin), The Tyler School, Philadelphia
2013 The Future Is Coming Every Day (with Elizabeth Zvonar), Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto
Awards & stipends
2024 Shortlist nominee, Emerging Artist Prize at Frieze, Camden Art Centre
Concept to Realization, Canada Council for the Arts
Recherchestipendium Bildende Kunst, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
2023 NEUSTARTplus, Stiftung Kunstfonds
Concept to Realization, Canada Council for the Arts
2022 Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2021 Research and Creation, Canada Council for the Arts
Recherchestipendium Bildende Kunst, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Shortlist nominee, Ars Viva Prize
Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2020 BPA// Berlin Program for Artists Stipend
2018 Project grant, Embassy of Canada to Germany in Berlin
Mobility fund, Nordic Culture Point
2016 Stig Hedbergs Stipendiefond
Eva & Hugo Bergmans Minnesfond